Lots of spicy opinions today. One is that LLMs are too primitive to do any real damage to humanity. Another is that humans, not AI, are the real threat…
Lots of spicy opinions today. One is that LLMs are too primitive to do any real damage to humanity. Another is that humans, not AI, are the real threat to society. Lastly, one engineer argues that CPUs will eventually take over from the current GPU dominance in the AI world.
Yann LeCun, one of the “godfathers of AI”, says the idea that LLMs could cause the extinction of humanity is “preposterous” – his argument is that this tech is still much too primitive for this to be a possibility. - Fast Company
In a similar spirit, this essay argues that we should worry about humans more than AI – apocalyptic scenarios of an AI world takeover distract us from the fact that tech by itself can’t destroy anything, there’s always a human pushing the button. - The Bulletin
Engineer Pete Warden argues that Nvidia’s dominance won’t last forever – predicting that ultimately, the biggest winners will be traditional CPU platforms, not novel GPUs. - Pete Warden
To those that say Google fell off in the AI game, Sundar Pichai says that he feels “very comfortable about where we are”, and that looking at the collaboration between Search and Gemini teams makes him feel like “the early days of Google”. - Wired
Salesforce reports that 67% of IT leaders are prioritizing genAI for their business, but 66% feel that their workers lack the skills to use it properly – gen Z is the fastest to adopt, with 70% of young people already using generative AI. - Salesforce
OpsTower is an assistant that will eliminate the grunt work from DevOps, connecting to your cloud systems and debugging problems on its own – at the moment you can ask it about your AWS resources and perform relevant calculations. - GitHub
LLMs don’t need to be the core feature – Humanify is a tool that de-minifies Javascript code to make it readable, but the LLM only plays a support role and doesn’t do the heavy lifting. - GitHub
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Kuba Filipowski
CEO and Co-founder at Netguru
Netguru is a consultancy, product design, and software development company founded in 2020.
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